Class Descriptions

Welcome to Geek Squad Academy, we’re very excited that you’ll be joining us for an event in your community, and we can’t wait to share this experience with you.  Before you arrive, we want to give you a taste of what our classes cover. You may be asked to be an Instructor or Helper in one of the following areas:

Junior Agents will learn to program a robot using the friendly and fun Photon robot. In this class, students write simple programs to discover how to control the robot’s directional movement using polar coordinates, discover how color sensors work and guide their robot through a maze.



Students will learn the fundamentals for digital photography – from the ‘Exposure Triangle’ to composition with the ‘Rule of Thirds!’


Students will engage in hands-on class to cover digital citizenship and digital literacy, understanding the long term effects of their online interactions, and safe online behaviors.


Students will learn how to use some of the most popular music creation software by working together to create and mix music.


Students will learn skills in CAD design, creating house sketches, and redesigning real-world objects!



Students will explore the free game engine Godot. Through trial and error, and a bit of code, they’ll create the beginnings of their own side-scrolling platform game.