Geek Squad Academy is designed to give youth in underinvested communities ages 10-18 opportunities to develop tech skills that will inspire future education and career choices. This program allows students to envision a future where they are creators, not just consumers, of the technology that powers the world.

When attending a Geek Squad Academy camp, students become "Junior Agents" and get hands-on experience with some of the newest and coolest technology, with instructors from Best Buy and Geek Squad. This two day camp experience will allow students to explore fields like coding, robotics, animation, music production, and more.

Application dates

Proposals open this November for 2025 host sites, register here to be notified when they're open!
Schools, nonprofits and other community organizations are invited to apply to host Geek Squad Academy during school breaks, or as an in-school field trip.

Camp Requirements:

  • Be able to recruit 100-200 students.

  • Provide 6-7 classrooms, lunch space, and assembly space

  • Ensure facility is available for 3 consecutive days (1 setup day, 2 camp days)

  • Large area for student lunch

  • Recruit 5+ adult volunteers to assist with student supervision

  • Tables and chairs to accommodate 25 students per classroom

How to Apply:

Submit an application online. Proposals are currently closed for the 2024 season, but will open again in October for the 2025 season.

IMPORTANT: To complete the proposal process, please have all of your facilities information prior to starting. Once you begin the application process you must complete all questions. You will have to complete the entire application process in one session.

Here's the information you'll need:

  • Host facility address

  • Number and capacity of available rooms

  • Number of available volunteers (5 minimum)

  • Projected number of students (100 minimum)

  • 3 preferred date options (Camps are run Wednesday & Thursday, with setup on the Tuesday before)

Once again, contact with any questions. We look forward to your application!